Need an idea for a super bowl snack? Can’t go wrong with 🍺& 🥜. When choosing a beer for the brittle, the darker the better in order to get flavor through. I used Sierra Nevada’s classic stout. Plus it gave us an excuse to drive up there on a gorgeous January day and hang out at the brewery near Asheville. Have you ever gone? Worth the trip wherever you’re from!
•Beer: 1, 12 ounce bottle
•Sugar: 500 grams | 2.5 cups
•Butter: 230 grams | 2 sticks
•Corn Syrup: 475 grams | 1.5 cups
•Salt: 24 grams | 1 Tbsp
•Baking Soda: 28 grams | 1.5 Tbsp
•Vanilla: 5 grams | 1 tsp
•Peanuts: 336 grams | ~2 cups
1. In a large thick bottomed pot, combine beer, butter, sugar, corn syrup, and salt.
2.Cook on medium-high heat until 305F, stirring constantly.
3.Turn off heat, add in vanilla, baking soda, and peanuts. Stir vigorously.
4.Spread in a thin layer on greased baking tray.
5.Cool and break.