•Water: 60 grams
•Corn Syrup: 600 grams
•Sugar: 400 grams
•Heavy Cream: 155 grams
•Sweetened Condensed Milk: 265 grams
•Butter: 200 grams
•Salt: 6 grams
•Baking Soda: 2 grams
•Vanilla Bean Paste: 2 grams
•Chocolate, as needed for dipping
•Sea Salt, as needed for finishing
1. Combine all ingredients except vanilla in a large pot.
2. Stirring slowly but constantly during cooking, cook over medium heat until butter has melted and mixture starts to boil.
3. Turn heat to medium high and cook until caramel reaches 240F.
4. Turn off heat, stir in vanilla.
5. Pour on greased, flat surface that has raised edges.
6. When warm to touch, place in parchment lined storage container. Let rest 12-24 hours.
7. Cut into squares. Refrigerate while tempering chocolate.
8. Dip in chocolate, sprinkle with topping